Active sitting on a wobbly chair

Wigli is an ergodynamic office chair for
active sitting
Seated on a Wigli, you continually exercise the muscles in your abdomen and lower back, making the muscles stronger and keeping your spine supple. This is the best way to prevent back trouble.
Ergonomic office chairs
Most chairs on the market target an ‘ideal sitting position’. But it’s never good to spend the whole day sitting in one particular position. As physiotherapists will tell you, the ideal position is the next position! Moreover, adjustable office chairs are rarely adjusted properly.
The Wigli ergodynamics
The Wigli seat is extremely flexible. Seated on a Wigli you preserve your balance in a natural manner, using your lower back muscles. This prevents you from sitting in the same position for too long. Just by sitting you are training your muscles and keeping your spine supple.
A Wigli is not a lazy chair, but is a chair to use when sitting at a (work) table.
A Wigli works
And you’ll feel it. As you will suddenly start using certain muscles, you may initially feel some muscle ache. So for the first few days you should alternate using the Wigli with a regular chair. Soon enough you'll be fine using the Wigli for prolonged periods of time.